Connecting Worlds: IoT and IAM Integration Through Ping DaVinci

8. September 2023 | 


today’s interconnected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays an integral role in our daily lives, connecting us to everything from our home appliances to our vehicles. This massive influx of connected devices demands robust security protocols, and here is where IAM comes into play. IAM ensures that the right users have the right access to the right resources at the right time, establishing a secure environment for these devices.

Standing at this intersection is an innovative force – Ping’s IAM orchestration engine, DaVinci. To demonstrate its potential, our team at iC Consult developed and showcased a real-life application of DaVinci’s capabilities at the Ping YOUniverse2022 „Art of the Possible“ event. This demonstration involved seamlessly integrating DaVinci with a popular IoT platform.

The Journey to the Ultimate Connected Car Experience

In collaboration with Ping Identity, we developed a compelling use case that illustrates the harmonious integration of IAM and IoT. The goal was to build a scenario that integrates a widely-used IoT platform and ensures a secure, user-friendly experience.

Watch the use case below and see Andre, a new car owner, effortlessly linking his digital identity with his car using a popular IoT platform and Ping’s IAM orchestration engine, DaVinci.

Unraveling Ping DaVinci: Enabling Seamless User Experiences

The core of this use case is the orchestration engine, PingOne DaVinci. It offers a no-code interface, enabling the integration of applications, the definition of business logic, and the design of policies through a simple drag-and-drop interface. This reduces reliance on developers and allows swift optimization of user journeys.

DaVinci’s open interface, extensive integrations, and workflow templates make it possible to integrate your entire identity tech stack or design unique user journeys. The platform also accommodates easy A/B testing, paving the way for rapid deployment of changes.

In conclusion, the successful development of the connected car use case underscores the thrilling potential at the intersection of IoT and IAM. It exemplifies how innovative technologies like Ping DaVinci can revolutionize digital experiences and make the “Art of the Possible” a tangible reality.

As a Ping Identity Titanium+ partner, iC Consult boasts a team of over 100 consultants specializing in Ping Identity products. Get started with Ping DaVinci today!

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