Basis for Trust and Success:
Our Governance Principles
At iC Consult, the seamless integration of individuals, the environment, and corporate accomplishments lies at the core of our CSR endeavors. This synergy is overseen by our CSR Board, the pinnacle of our sustainability governance.
The CSR Board, comprised of the Group CEO, CFO, COO and CEO of the D-A-CH region, is responsible for CSR at iC Consult at the highest governance level. It approves the CSR strategy, the release of the CSR report as well as any CSR decisions that are of strategic importance for the company.
The CSR Team, together with colleagues from various departments throughout the company, delivers CSR at iC Consult.
The Head of CSR reports the CSR progress 1x per quarter (4x per year) to the CSR Board.

We comply with laws and regulations, no matter where in the world we operate. Our Code of Conduct anchors our corporate values and behavioral guidelines, encompassing our commitment to decent working conditions, fair competition, and a strict rejection of corruption, human trafficking, and slavery. Our Environmental Policy, which focuses on our environmental responsibility, supplements our Code of Conduct.
We have further implemented a whistleblower system, which enables our employees to anonymously report any violations of our Code of Conduct or other important matters. Each report is thoroughly investigated.

Data Privacy and Information Security
As the leading independent IAM service provider, we are experts in data protection and information security. Safeguarding customer data remains a top priority for us. In recognition of our commitment, we are i.a. ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and SOC2 certified.
Exchange with Customers and Suppliers
Our customers’ growing focus on sustainability, coupled with the dynamic regulatory changes that we are seeing globally, underscore the significance of our sustainability commitment. In our role as the leading consultancy, system integrator, and service provider for Identity & Access Management, we are an integral part of our customers’ supply chains. At the same time, it is essential we work on making our own supply chain more sustainable. We have thus developed, in close alignment with our own Code of Conduct, a Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines the foundation of our collaboration with suppliers.

As part of our commitment to CSR, we have been releasing sustainability reports, based on the GRI standard (Global Reporting Initiative), since FY 2022. The GRI standard is the most widely adopted sustainability reporting standard globally and allows us to comprehensively report our CSR progress.
From 2026 on we are required to publish our sustainability report in alignment with EU CSRD (EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) regulation. In order to be well prepared for these changing requirements, we will be releasing our first EU CSRD conforming sustainability report in 2025.
You can access and download all iC Consult CSR-related documents here:

If you have any sustainability inquiries at iC Consult, please contact our Head of CSR.
Ryan Glaser
Head of CSR