Decoding the Future of IAM: A Comprehensive Guide to IAM Managed Services and Business Process Outsourcing

27. März 2024 | 
Dr. Heiko Klarl | 

In the digital age, Identity and Access Management (IAM) has emerged as a cornerstone for enterprise security and operational efficiency. With the increasing intricacies of the digital landscape, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have become indispensable. These entities aren’t just service providers; they’re strategic partners that help navigate the convoluted world of IAM. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the role of MSPs in modern IAM systems, their increasing relevance, and why they might be the right choice for your organization.

The Evolving Realm of IAM

Gone are the days when IAM was merely a tool for user authentication and access control. In today’s interconnected world, IAM tools have to interact with a variety of other systems ranging from cloud services and mobile applications to IoT devices. Moreover, the regulatory landscape, with frameworks like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in the U.S., adds another layer of complexity. IAM now requires a level of specialization that goes beyond traditional IT management, leading to the rise of MSPs specialized in this sector.

The Multi-Faceted Role of MSPs in IAM

Managed Service Providers in IAM play several crucial roles. They take a holistic approach, starting by assessing the current IAM maturity level, identifying gaps, and then implementing a tailored strategy. They offer services that cover the entire identity lifecycle, from provisioning to de-provisioning. Beyond that, MSPs provide adaptive authentication methods to deal with varied and evolving security risks. They also offer ongoing compliance checks and real-time reporting features, ensuring that businesses meet regulatory requirements while maintaining a robust security posture.

Navigating Complexity with MSPs

The modern enterprise is a web of complexities, and IAM is no different. As organizations expand their digital ecosystems, the number of users, devices, and applications that need to be managed grows exponentially. This is where MSPs come in. They have the specialized skill sets and tools needed to navigate these complexities. Their expertise often includes not just IAM but also adjacent areas like cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. By outsourcing IAM to an MSP, organizations can focus more on their core business functions, leaving the complexities of IAM to specialized experts.

Operational and Financial Benefits

MSPs bring in operational efficiencies that are hard to achieve with an in-house team. Their capabilities often include automated workflows, real-time monitoring, and advanced analytics, which can significantly reduce the administrative burden on internal teams. Financially, while the upfront costs of engaging an MSP can be higher than starting a small time-and-material-based initiative with just a few consultants, the total cost of ownership often turns out to be lower. When you factor in the costs associated with recruiting skilled staff, ongoing training, and the infrastructural needs for 24/7 monitoring and support, MSPs often provide a more cost-effective solution.

The Future of IAM and MSPs

The MSP model in IAM is not a fleeting trend; it’s a strategic approach that’s gaining momentum. As businesses continue to digitalize and embrace new technologies, the role of IAM will only grow in significance. MSPs offer a way to stay ahead of the curve in this ever-changing landscape. Their expertise in emerging technologies, trends, and regulatory changes makes them ideal partners for any organization looking to secure its digital assets effectively.


IAM is an evolving field that has grown from a tactical IT concern to a strategic organizational initiative. With increasing technological complexities and stringent regulatory requirements, MSPs are becoming the go-to solution for effective, efficient, and secure IAM operations. Their role is not just operational but strategic, helping organizations navigate the future of IAM with expertise and efficiency.

About the Author

Dr. Heiko Klarl is the Chief Marketing and Sales Officer of iC Consult and a seasoned expert in Identity and Access Management (IAM) with over 18 years of experience. He has been serving in a top management position at iC Consult since 2012 and is responsible for coordinating iC Consult’s worldwide sales and marketing efforts. Heiko seeks to bridge the gap between business and IT through holistic solutions, integrating customer strategy with technological implementation. He is passionate about understanding his customers‘ challenges and working with them to find the best-fit solution. Heiko is a regular speaker at conferences and known for his expertise in the field, having published research and articles focused on IAM.